Browse Articles By Tag: financial advice
Landing the perfect job requires more than just experience in your field, it requires proper technique and attitude during the interview. Even if you capable of performing exceptionally well in the company, if you are unable to handle the interview process you will...
24.06.2013 · From LindaBrown
While it is very easy to lower your credit score (a late payment here, a forgotten bill there), it is much harder to raise it back up. Bad credit often means higher interest rates, being denied for student loans, or even being turned down by a potential landlord. (...)
15.06.2013 · From LindaBrown
A job is something every adult must have in order to feed himself and his family and to live in this society. It can be hard to get a job if you don't have one, but you have come to the right place. (...)
12.06.2013 · From LindaBrown
In tough economic times, it is all too easy to find yourself suddenly having financial problems. Whether your bills are piling up, you have debts you can't pay, or you are looking for ways to earn more money, this advice can help. (...)
11.06.2013 · From LindaBrown
No matter if you are supporting a big family and paying a mortgage or living by yourself in a one room apartment: being unemployed is a scary thing. The following article is full of helpful tips you can use in your search for a job. (...)
05.06.2013 · From LindaBrown
If you've been avoiding looking at your finances, you can stop worrying now. This article will tell you everything you need to know to begin improving your financial situation. Just read the advice below and put it into practice so that you can resolve financial...
05.06.2013 · From LindaBrown
Job hunting can inspire a lot of emotions, many of them unpleasant. Job hunters are often frustrated, anxious and ashamed of being out of work. The best antidote to these emotions is to find something that will allow you to get the job you want. (...)
02.06.2013 · From LindaBrown
Looking for a job in today's struggling economy can easily be a daunting task, to say the least! It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged...where do you start? If this is the position you find yourself in, then take heart! This article was written with you...
02.06.2013 · From LindaBrown
When reading about personal finance, there are many subjects to cover. Some examples are budgeting, savings, insurance, investments and those things concerning your retirement. Read on to find the best suggestions on how to handle your personal finances in the short...
30.05.2013 · From LindaBrown
Well, you've decided to better your personal financial situation. That is very good. Though there is a lot of information out there, don't worry because helpful personal finance tips are here! Listed below are some tips that will help you get started and organized so...
27.05.2013 · From LindaBrown
If you have issues with your credit, you may feel trapped by your low credit score. Digging yourself out from the credit problem can feel like a daunting task, but it is possible. Read through the following article for tips on how to repair your credit, and you will...
21.05.2013 · From LindaBrown
No matter what kind of education or experience you may have going for you, if you suddenly find yourself unemployed you may be facing a very long and difficult road. Jobs are becoming more scarce and the economy is seemingly stalled. (...)
16.05.2013 · From LindaBrown
Everyone has issues with, or questions about, their personal finances at some point, and it can be hard to find reliable answers. Whether you are dealing with a minor question or a major issue, this article can help give you the answers and advice you need to keep...
13.05.2013 · From LindaBrown
In today's society, it is difficult to move ahead in some areas when you have a bad credit rating. From rental property applications to wanting to buy a new high definition television on credit, a good credit rating is needed. (...)
13.05.2013 · From LindaBrown
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